Dear Beloved Patients and New Patients,

These newsletters began in March 2020. Does that date sound familiar? Due to the federally mandated COVID protocol, our office was shut down, and at the time, I thought we would be closed for a few weeks. I had given away all my masks and gloves to the hospitals and medical communities, therefore not being able to see patients, worried they were clenching and going to break their teeth, and without their dentist being able to do the usual repairs. I wrote my first newsletter discussing how to be mindful of clenching and tips on using cognitive behavioral therapy to decrease stress. I received many “love notes” back from patients appreciative of the outreach.

They were written with love and, in some ways, as a diary of the times. Within a month of being shut down, I realized that everyone was at home, losing their normal habits of flossing and brushing. I felt compelled to write my second newsletter about the importance of oral home care and the what and why. It went from there to now writing newsletters whenever I find something new and exciting that I have learned and want to pass on to you—sometimes life-changing. I write these letters in my head for about 3–4 months, put them down on paper, and then have a beloved patient (you know who you are!) correct my grammar! There is no artificial intelligence (AI), and many patients say they can hear my voice as they are reading these. They are thick as fudge, and I recommend reading a few paragraphs at a time, not all at once. For example, if you are interested in the subject of obstructive sleep apnea, there is a journey through newsletters 8, 9, 10, and 11. Other examples include why I use AI to help me read your x-rays, what is SDF, what is Curodont, and why my dog Cali is working in my office.

There is a password code only for existing patients, as these are very personal and not for public consumption.


With love and appreciation,

Dr. Sadie Mestman D.M.D., D-ABDSM
8500 Wilshire Blvd Suite 827
Beverly Hills, CA 90211